
Showing posts from March, 2023

Is it Safe to Use a Sauna While Sick?

When you're sick, your body needs rest and recovery. However, it's hard to feel good while sitting on the couch in your pajamas. If you've been longing to hit the sauna but have been hesitant due to the common misconception that infrared New Zealand saunas  are dangerous while sick, fear not! There are many reasons why you should use your infrared sauna even if you are feeling under the weather. Read on for more details. Are Saunas Good to Use When Sick?  Saunas new zealand is a great way to get rid of toxins, increase circulation, and improve the immune system. They can also help you sweat more efficiently than if you were exercising outside in cold weather. Plus, they're easy on your joints--no jumping jacks required! If you're sick with a fever or cold symptoms like congestion and stuffy nose (or even if you don't feel like dealing with them), saunas are an excellent option for increasing body temperature while also decreasing stress levels. How do Infrar...